Glee: Drama where I found myself
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States, and on GlobalTV in Canada. It focuses on the high school glee club New Directions competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues. (From Wikipedia)
List of Songs I love!!!
These songs I have listed above are my favorite songs that I put in my mp3 player and listened to over a hundred times, I guess. I think these songs are amazing and they can be considered as classics. (My definition of classics: any kind of art, in this case songs that makes us feel better no matter how you feel before that)
I have watched whole 2 seasons of glee over a couple of times. When I watch dramas, it's not that there is a specific characteristic that I like, but I evaluate how I feel after watching it. Glee turned out to be very satisfactory, probably because there were whole bunch of great songs that are sung at right moments of these high school students' lives. Also, although these casts are not actually high school students, just thinking of high school in America just makes me feel excited and connected. Characters in glee go through a lot of difficulties, including girlfriend and boyfriend problems, homosexuality, teachers and students, conflicts between different clubs, family issues. Quinn, one of the characters in glee, made a baby with Puck while she was cheating on her boyfriend Finn Hudson.
It seems like, for most Korean students, that american high school students do not learn a lot or study so much compared to koreans. However, I personally think that what they learn through all these experiences are more valuable and extraordinary than merely sitting in a chair looking through textbooks. Through my indirect experiences in glee, I sometimes found myself in these characters, often in a negative way and found some ways to deal with this. Also, I could experience what will happen in my college life in America beforehand, so that it would be easy to solve these commom issues that will attack me in my near future.
While I was watching glee, I found myself sniffling with tears in my eyes or sometimes laughing with these characters. I tend to be very emotional in any kind of films, even with animation movies. This may look very stupid, but I really enjoyed sharing feelings with the characters when they faced problems that seemed like they could never be solved.
One thing I'm disappointed about glee is that the season 3 glee suddenly became terrible. There are no more wonderful songs and the story is so obvious. Also, the characters used to deal with their problems pretty well, but they started to become erratic students. I really hope the director would just get back to the original story again!
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3: