Friday, December 9, 2011

Why South Korea has to instigate Jasmine Revolution in North Korea

My Debate Arguments!!

      According to wikipedia, an original jasmine revolution refers to the December-January mass uprising in Tunisia that overthrew president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on January 15. The revolution was named Jamine Revolution by the media in keeping with the geopolitical nomenclature of ‘colour revolutions’. The movement grew over the issues of unemployment, food inflation, corruption, lack of freedom of speech and poor living conditions and overflowed into Egypt where it has been raging. Also in China, 2011, another Jamine Revolution broke out inspired by Tunisian revolution. By these sources, our group concluded that a jasmine revolution is a revolution in which citizens ask their government for democratic society through the usage of various media, social networking sites and others.
     Before moving on to real discussions, it is especially important to note some common background information on current North Korean society. Formally called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, people here now suffer from human right violations, suppressions of freedom on just about everything, structural violence, hereditary power succession, and so forth. Kim Jung Il, the current dictator, succeeded North Korean founder Kim Il Sung in 1994 after his death, making the first father-to-son succession of power in a communist state. Kim Jung Eun has succeeded his position and now ruling the country.
     We have 3 ways to do this, but the North Korean government is not capable of doing reformation right now. Other countries cannot intervene here because of the violation of sovereignty, and the current situation does not let them to.
     This house believes that South Koreans should actively participate and instigate jasmine revolution on North Korea for the good of both North and South Korea plus the world. There are 3 main reasons for this, and the first is because South Korea is most knowledgeable about North Korea and its society among the countries around the world, the second is because of economic and security related repercussions and lastly, because North Koreans desperately need OUR help.

1. North and South Koreas have been together for 5000 years, a long long history we now show off, and it’s been only 50 years since North and South were separated from each other. We now typically think North and South Koreas are too different from each other and are impossible to get them back together. People believe they now are totally different countries that they have no special relation that distinguishes them from other countries. However, as our long history proves, North Korea’s closest friend in South Korea, although Kim family don’t permit us to be. As we’re most knowledgeable when it comes to North Korean society and ideolgy inherent inside them, it should be us who are helping them in order to lead the revolution most efficiently as possible.
Moreover, South Korea has experienced a lot of struggles to free themselves from dictatorship from 1948, when 이승만 first started to rule until 1993, when 노태우 ended its period and gave up his position. People united and struggled for freedom with their own wills and skills, which were extraordinary. Since we’re the ‘experienced talents, and although the current situation is slightly different from that time period, our help would surely be great aids for them.

2. North Koreans are not aware of democratic ideology at all. Therefore, we must help these peeple. Besides, although North Korean citizens do think about this, they do not know how to, and plus they’re not very organized, the population and ideology spreaded. According to Chosun Ilbo, North Koreans have already instigated several protests against the government but the scale of the protests were small and sporadic. Thus, we must meddle in here and structurize these, letting them know how to do this.

3. Other than North Korea’s benefit, the instigation of Jasmine Revolution is for the security of South Korea and the world, along with the economic benefit for South. The initial reason we try to instigate Jamine Revolution in North Korea is to make citizens struggle and ultimately free themselves from cruel dictatorship of Kim family. If this succeeds, the unity of North and South would be much closer to our hands, and will probably be united, although it WILL take some time. By then, South and the rest of the world wouldn’t have to fear from North Korea’s threats that it has nuclear weapon and will drop it wherever they don’t like. Other than that, considering that North Korea has made a lot of threats towards both South Korea and US, we will definitely be free from these. In addition to this, North Korea owns tons of crude materials underground, along with profound amount of sea resources, only that North does not have enough level of technology to drag them up on the ground and actually use them. When united, we will be able to get access to those valuable resources and this would enhance the economy of both North and South Korea considerably.

Outline for term paper - Mr. Ganse's AP European History Class

I. Introduction
II. Definition
   II.1. Paper money and Banknote
ü  The definition of banknote is a kind of negotiable instrument made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money. Today, banknotes and paper money refer to the same thing, with the national bank guaranteeing its value. However, when they first appeared, private institutions were guaranteeing the value of banknotes, thus it was quite a different term from paper money.
   II.2. Economic Bubble
ü  A “bubble” in the world of finance is a term applied to an unusually rapid increase in stock prices or the value of some other asset such as real estate.
III. Before the emergence of paper money
ü  Currency that was widely accepted before paper money was of course, coins, usually made up of gold and silver. It was commonly accepted fact that money has to have its real value that equals to its representative value, which is why people chose gold and silver as materials for money, one of the scarcest materials.
IV. Emergence of paper money (Revolution)
ü  What I would like to point out here is that emergence of paper money is not all about changes in materials that comprise money. Emergence of paper money is about its loss of intrinsic value, which allowed mints to print money infinitely. This brought great changes in the use of money and financing by governments and other monetary institutions, thus it can be called revolution.
   IV.1. Initial motive of paper money
ü  First of all, transporting gold and silver, especially in large amounts is very dangerous and costs a lot. The use of paper money greatly reduced the risk. Also, wars that broke out required great amount of money, which was not present in state coffers. As a way to finance wars and standing armies, governments printed paper money, and in the case of England, the government printed money to finance the War of Spanish Succession.
   IV.2. Sweden
ü  In Europe, the first paper money was first issued in 1660 and introduced in Sweden in 1661 by Stockholms Banco, a predecessor of the Bank of Sweden. Since Sweden was rich in copper, it had such low value that extraordinarily huge coins, which often weighed several kilgrams, had to be made. For such reason, Stockholms Banco printed banknotes that look like the first figure.
   IV.3. England
   IV.4. France
ü  In the early 18th century France, it was facing huge economic crisis, when it purchased Louisiana. A Scottish economist John Law was appointed Controller General of Finances of France under King Louis XV as a purpose of saving the falling economy, so he was in control of all economic activities of France. John Law then encouraged French government to set up Bank Generale that could issue paper money. At the time, he simply thought that these banknotes could revive French economy, since paper money will lead to active money circulation thus leading to active commerce. This Bank Generale was taken from John Law to French government and was renamed ‘Bank Royale’. Instead, he established a trading company, ‘Company of West’, and later it got bigger and was renamed to ‘Mississippi Company’ which had exclusive trading privileges in France. As the rights of the company got stronger and stronger, number of investors bursted as the value of shares bursted as well.
V. Financial Scandals (Revolution)
ü  Financial scandals such as economic bubbles were inevitable if paper money emerged. Because paper money increased the money supply, it increased inflationary pressures, a fact observed by David Hume in the 18th century. The result is that paper money would often lead to an inflationary bubble, which could collapse if people began demanding hard money, causing the demand for paper notes to fall to zero.
   V.1. Sweden
ü  In Sweden, simply put, the Stockholms Banco ran out of coins to redeem its notes in 1664.
   V.2. England (South Sea Bubble)
   V.3. France (Mississppi Bubble)
ü  The shares value of Mississippi Company was skyrocketing but John Law had missed something. He kept issuing paper money in order to buy his own company’s shares. In fear, investors started to sell stocks and get gold coins from January 1720, and the stock price suddenly dropped. This rise and fall of the company is overall called Mississippi Bubble.
VI. Interrupted use of paper money (Reaction)
ü  After suffering from such financial scandals, public began to distrust paper money and halted its usage for quite a long period of time. Instead, countries used gold and silver again.
   VI.1. Sweden
ü  In Sweden, the Stockholms Banco, where paper money used to be minted, ceased operating in 1664. In 1668, four years later, new bank was established but it was not permitted to issue banknotes until the 18th century.
   VI.2. England
   VI.3. France
ü  Upon hearing the news of the total collapse of Mississippi, shares Marais, a highly regarded nobleman, state: "Thus ends the system of paper money, which has enriched a thousand beggars and impoverished a hundred thousand honest men"
ü  In other words, the Mississippi Bubble had lasting effects, creating a distrust of stock companies as well as banks and paper money
VII. Establishment of National (Central) Banks (Reform)
   VII.1. Riksens Ständers Bank (Sweden)
ü  On September 17, 1668, Palmstruch's privilege to operate a bank was transferred to the Riksens Ständers Bank, operated by the parliament. Due to the failure of Stockholms Banco, this new bank was not permitted to issue banknotes until the 18th century. The Riksens Ständers Bank was later renamed Sveriges Riksbank and remains the central bank of Sweden to this day.
   VII.2. Bank of England (England)
   VII.3. Caisse d'Escompte (France)
ü  After the Mississippi Bubble, Paris became France's center of international banking and stock trades, and the Caisse d'Escompte, which is the central bank, was founded in 1776. Here, paper money was re-introduced, denominated in livres.

Harvard? What??

This is one of the quotes that were written on the desk of Harvard Library, a very well known one. To me, this short phrase always inspires me to study in spite of difficult circumstances.
“If you don’t walk today, you have to run tomorrow”
It always let me walk.
I have a song lyric that lets me cheer up. Although it’s a sad song, after humming along with this, I feel great!-and also for muslim women, this may cheer them up, and I’ll tell them, pls. wait!! I’ll get there sooon!
It’s not a feeling like when you touch a flame
No, it’s not like when someone calls you a bad name
It’s not like the hurt when you slip and fall down
No, it’s not like anyof these, what I’ve found is
Your love hurts like a paper cut, so sweet
never even feel the slice; you’re so deep
It seems so hard as, but only at first
Cause like a paper cut the pain grows worse.
Oh, oh
It’s not so much in the words that you don’t say
It’s when you act in the distant, cold way
It’s more in your eyes how you look at me
Like you no longer care for what I see
Your love hurts like a paper cut, so sweet
never even feel the slice; you’re so deep
It seems so hard as, but only at first
Cause like a paper cut the pain grows worse.
You had to go and show me just how good, your love could be
Then you threw it all away
Now I can’t help but feel a brand new pain
So I’m asking baby, please stay.
Your love hurts like a paper cut, so sweet
never even feel the slice; you’re so deep
It seems so hard as, but only at first
Cause like a paper cut the pain grows worse.
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
The pain grows worse
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
The pain grows worse
Oh, oh
The pains grows worse

International Intervention on Muslim Countries - From Mr. Moon's Class

                   When we were young, we were told to act just the way our parents or teachers tell us to. “Come back by eight if you want to play outside!”, “Don’t do your hair like that and wear proper clothes!” are words we hear a lot of times during childhood and teenage years. However, luckily, we get out of this imprisonment by the time we become old enough to take care of ourselves and live responsibly. Now, let us imagine that this imprisonment continues forever, until the moment of your death, from people who are not related to you at all. Some people might want to commit suicide or they might want to raise a riot. There are people who actually go through this. They are Muslim women. Therefore, as an intention to rescue these people from viscious cycle, international forces are intervening directly to the situation.

                Muslim women are deprived their rights in all kinds of ways. One of the discriminations they get is honor killing. This term exists in a lot of religions, but the severity and cruelty exceeds the line in Islam. This authorizes Muslim men to kill any women whose beliefs are other than Islam and those who betrayed their husbands and ran away. Victims of this unreasonable practice are reported everyday in media, but Islam men still adhere strongly to this custom. Also, Muslim women are not allowed to laugh out loud or talk loudly outside. They also should not show their body parts except their eyes to see. This is why Muslim women cover their faces, bodies, arms and legs with Hijab and black blankets. Even with all these clothes, they should not make eye contacts with guys other than their husband or father. Of course, they cannot participate in politics at all, and kicked out of the field even if they make it entering the politics world with so much difficulty. Lastly, they are deprived so much of education, even very primary and fundamental education.
                A key to solving this problem is putting an end to international interference. One of the reasons is that individual countries have their own sovereignty, the power that a country has to govern itself or another country or state. No matter what actions the Muslim countries’ governments take, it still is a government, with public officials organized in a certain system. Therefore, the international society has to treat it as a proper government and recognize its right as a sole country. Besides, there are plenty of other solutions to the problem that global leaders have not tried yet, other than direct intervention to the problematic country. For instance, opening peace conferences with countries like Afghanistan and negotiating to reach middle ground of both sides might work, a solution international society has never even tried before.
Moreover, the intervention from different countries will only cause disruption inside the country, not only disturbing its system but also threatening the innocent citizens’ lives. For example, military forces of United States and other countries have been put into countries like Afghanistan and they actually created thousands of casualties, including deaths. Thus, Muslims are living in fear everyday, feeling insecure about their lives. This is ironic to goals the military troops declared at the first place; the protection of human rights. Being a cause of fear and serious casualties is certainly not opposed to protecting human rights.
Even after the Taliban had left, the Muslim women are still suffering from life threats and severe discrimination, and  the world already proved itself, by experience, that interference from international society does not work and ironic in a way that it is opposed to humanitarian goal of the international society. Now it is time to try new, innovative solutions to the problem instead of keep sending troops in Afghanistan again and again, killing innocent Afghan citizens.